Workshops -Teaching

1.    Basic Darkroom

                                                              i.      Darkroom safety and chemical use

                                                            ii.      Basic print development and processing

                                                          iii.      Basic film development and processing

Classes run from one to three days.


2.    Advanced Darkroom

                                                              i.      Refinement of the printing processes

                                                            ii.      Development of a work flow in the darkroom

                                                          iii.      Introduction to toning

Classes run from one to three days.


3.    Specialty classes

a.      Lith printing

                                                              i.      Understanding the lith printing process

                                                            ii.      Creating lith prints

                                                          iii.      Available materials and results

Classes run from one to three days.

b.      Toning

                                                              i.      Toning processes and chemistry

                                                            ii.      Sulfide toners

                                                          iii.      Selenium, gold, copper and other toners

                                                          iv.      Split toning processes

Classes run from one to three days.

c.       Split grade printing

                                                              i.      Review of proper printing techniques

                                                            ii.      Paper emulsion types

                                                          iii.      Printing practices with various contrast controls

Classes run from one to three days.

d.      Development processes

                                                              i.      Review of darkroom safety and chemistry

                                                            ii.      Paper developers

                                                          iii.      Paper choices and results

Classes run from one to three days.



4.    19th century processes

a.      Platinum printing

                                                              i.      Proper negative exposure and development

                                                            ii.      Calibration, negative metrics, and sensitometry

                                                          iii.      Preparing papers with metals

Classes run from one to three days.

b.      Cyanotype

                                                              i.      Negative selection and sensitomitry

                                                            ii.      Formula survey

                                                          iii.      Toning the Cyanotype

Classes run from one to three days.


5.    Camera classes

a.      Beginning Photo 1 (Digital or Film)

                                                              i.      Understanding the camera

                                                            ii.      Understanding exposure

                                                          iii.      Understanding light

Classes run from one half day to three days.

b.      Advanced Photo

                                                              i.      Measuring exposure and using meters

                                                            ii.      Subject selection and framing

                                                          iii.      Using flash

Classes run from one to three days.

c.       View camera techniques

                                                              i.      Selecting film size vs. format

                                                            ii.      Practical problems with large cameras

                                                          iii.      Movements and framing with view cameras

Classes run from one to three days (field work).


6.    Portfolio development

                                                              i.      Choosing the appropriate subject matter

                                                            ii.      Organization, planning, and time frames.

                                                          iii.      Presentation, matting, and framing

Class runs from one to three days.

*All classes are available privately or in groups.

*Prices range from $95 to $250 per day with discounts to groups.

**Lab Fees apply to all darkroom classes to cover materials.